La Bella Voce e la Macchina
(The Beautiful Voice and the Machine)
A History of Technology and the Expressive Voice
By Perry R. Cook
Chapter Overview
With Artwork by Grady Klein |
Technology: Any human-fashioned tool,
method, law, surgery, notation, enhancement, etc.
Expressive Voice: Singing, acting, preaching,
rapping, praying, etc.
| |
Chapter 1 The Voice |
Voice physiology, acoustics, and neurology.
Vowels, consonants, and nasals.
A touch of phonetics, linguistics, and phonology.
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) |
Chapter 2 The Articulated Voice |
The motions of tongue, jaw, etc. that make
linguistic communication and singing possible.
Gesture in production and perception.
Fast and slow talking, singing, and chanting. |
Chapter 3 The Pitched Voice |
Vocal pitch control and perception. Pitch and
emotion in speech and singing. Pitch contour plots.
Pitch modulation, vibrato. Music in speech.
Speech in music. A little on loudness too. |
Chapter 4 The Visual Voice |
Sight vs. sound. Facial expression and emotion.
Lip reading. Sign language and other hand signs.
Graphing and displaying vocal (and other) sounds.
Visualizing the vocal tract, and vocal sound. |
Chapter 5 The Singing Voice |
Singing vs. speech. Voices vs. instruments.
The basic voice parts (bass, tenor, etc.).
Vocal pitch deviation, controllable and not.
Vibrato, ornaments. The "Singer's Formant" |
Chapter 6 The Biomedical Voice |
Surgery as vocal enhancement (Castrati singers),
The aging voice. Unintentional and intentional damage
to the voice. Stuttering and other disphonias.
Artificial larynx, speech synthesizers.
Other Therapies and devices to aid the voice. |
Chapter 7 The Noisy Voice |
Vocal noise, both normal and abnormal.
Perturbations of periodicity, pitch, and timbre.
Expressive burps, coughs, braps, toots, and more.
Noise as expression. |
Chapter 8 The Delayed Delayed Voice |
Acoustic echo and delay, caves to concert halls.
Space and echo in musical composition. Tape echo,
delay, other effects. Electronic reverberation,
artificial chorus, flanging, pitch shifting. |
Chapter 9 The Notated Voice |
A history of writing, paper, alphabets, shorthand, etc.
Music notation, ancient to modern. Scales and modes.
Guido's hand, Kodaly's hand signs. Musical conducting.
Printing, music printing, some on computers in music.
Chapter 10 The Broadcast Voice |
History of broadcasting from smoke signals
to drums to wireless telegraph to
telephone to radio to television to the web. |
Chapter 11 The Microphonic Voice |
Microphone types, technologies, and pickup patterns.
The "Perfect Microphone?" Microphones for effect.
Mic, stand, and cable as instruments and fetish. |
Chapter 12 The Recorded Voice |
Sound recording in myth, lore, and pre-history.
Music boxes, player pianos, and other musical machines.
Mechanical, electrical, and digital recording/playback.
The "Record Biz" Sonic sculpture. Studio as instrument. |
Chapter 13 The Amplified Voice |
Collecting/directing sound, earhorns and megaphones.
Mechanically amplified instruments. Electric guitars.
Home, theater, and studio speakers through history.
Loudspeakers and amplifiers. Hearing aids.
Chapter 14 The Holy Voice |
Praying machines. Instruments/voice
and the church.
much more |
Chapter 15 The Silent Voice |
Vows of silence. Silence as protest.
Pauses in speech, rests in music.
Silence in expression. Sign Language.
Chapter 16 The Anonymous Voice |
Voices from nowhere or otherwhere. Spirits,
Radio/Airport Announcers, Ventriloquists,
Disembodied voices in fiction, myth,
and religion, ancient to present day.
Chapter 17 The Instrumental Voice |
Voice as Instrument, Instruments "singing."
Vocalize, patter, scat, diddling, etc.
Voice-controlled instruments.
Controllers for vocal models |
Chapter 18 The Legal Voice |
Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, Trade Secrets
The man and music. Plagiarism, sampling, quoting,
Identity and Image. Some famous musical cases. |