Registrar's Course Description
We'll be talking a bit theoretically about structure. Please bring in two examples of structures that use opposition-can be amy media. We'll also discuss final performances, and scheduling for run-throughs/rehearsals. No meeting on the 21st, and we won't meet again until run throughs on 29th.
Three pieces of text, a minute or so each Three sounds (sound makers, sound/music files 3 minutes or so)
James |
Lainie |
Mara |
Sam |
Kate |
Mendi |
Betsey |
Anne |
Ingmar |
Laurie brought her rig.
Perry brought some stuff to demo.
Konrad brought some new stuff he's working on for Laurie.
Ben and Perry demoed Bio-Control for Singers (VAChorale)
You will bring:
Three pieces of text, a minute or so each Three sounds (sound makers, sound/music files 3 minutes or so)
-Make a five minute performance. -Write a dialogue using pronoun protagonists (Choose between I/you he/she us/them) -Use 3 different media -Performance must include a sad song, an ad, and a moral dilemma.
First meeting: Who?
2nd meeting:
Third Meeting: February 24, 1st Projects (Operas), Frist Theater
![]() Josh and James: Big Dog |
![]() Anne and Rachel: Motor Skills |
![]() Sam and Ingmar: Canicula |
![]() Katie and Ryan: Thailand |
![]() Lainie: Dog/Motor/Catastrophe |
![]() Glen and Mendi: 180 |
![]() Markus and Mara: Untitled |
Thoughts: Difficulty of starting a show/performance
Really great title is hard, but helps so much.
Assignment for next time:
Bring two texts- each about a page or 3-4 minutes if spoken.
Can be any source - novel, manual, ad copy, blog - whatever.
The voice and style of the two pieces should be very different
but they should have a similar subject (loosely interpreted!)
Some "filters" Laurie has used:
Many read their two texts. Dinosaurs, digestion, waitressing, eugenics, punishment, genocide, Glengarry, Glen Ross, Gatsby, impeachment, architecture, modern music,
For next week, March 10: The News!
Pick a story from the front page of the newspaper - print or electronic. From the same front page (or -if the source is electronic- from ten stories featured that day) choose two characters. Write a four minute argument or conversation between these two. Set it in some form of transportation. |